Friday, December 18, 2009
It's been WAY too long
When my last entry was "It's been too long" it's pretty pathetic that this post is titled as it is. Every night for about the last 12 nights as I go to bed I say to myself "I"ve GOT to update the blog- tomorrow". Well, you can see how that has turned out.
Although I quit shooting sessions in November- I've been busy editing/ordering and wrapping up loose ends up til the last day. I'm sure there are some that wonder why I take December which is surely one is the busiest times of year off- but if I continue shooting too much into the month it really runs right up to the holiday.
I've also been working on some things in advance to free up some time once this baby arrives in February. I will be offering the dance mini-sessions again sometime in March? and I will also be doing the JCC Jr. Cheer Pictures in early January.
I've also been working on 2010's product line and offering some new products that I hope you'll enjoy. My portrait pricing is going to stay pretty much the same for the first half of the 2010 at least. I will also be offering framing options for you wall portraits!
Thank you again to all of you who have allowed me to create your portraits this past year. I truly appreciate your business, as well as seeing your families and children grow and change.
Merry Christmas!
Although I quit shooting sessions in November- I've been busy editing/ordering and wrapping up loose ends up til the last day. I'm sure there are some that wonder why I take December which is surely one is the busiest times of year off- but if I continue shooting too much into the month it really runs right up to the holiday.
I've also been working on some things in advance to free up some time once this baby arrives in February. I will be offering the dance mini-sessions again sometime in March? and I will also be doing the JCC Jr. Cheer Pictures in early January.
I've also been working on 2010's product line and offering some new products that I hope you'll enjoy. My portrait pricing is going to stay pretty much the same for the first half of the 2010 at least. I will also be offering framing options for you wall portraits!
Thank you again to all of you who have allowed me to create your portraits this past year. I truly appreciate your business, as well as seeing your families and children grow and change.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's been too long

I'm getting behind- I know it! Ahhhhhh! My blog is suffering, but it's that time of year when there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I just HAVE to post a few images of little Nathan from this afternoon's session. I really appreciate Mom bringing him from South Dakota to allow me to shoot his 6 month portraits. He is a precious, bright-eyed boy! 6 months is one of my favorite ages for baby portraits. It's almost a guarantee to get a few smiles, they can sit up- even if only for a few seconds, and it's easier to get their attention AND they aren't too mobile yet. Hats are a great thing to bring along to your session as they can change the look of the images with just a change of wardrobe.
All my November slots are booked~ thank you! If you're still interested in using one of your images from a previous session for holiday cards- please let me know soon. Our studio will be closed the month of December.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gymnastics and Golf

The golf tournament was in July---but I just finally made a point of doing Sofie's golf portraits. We were so proud she won a first place trophy and of course she wanted some shots with that and her new golf clubs. So while we at it- put on the leotard and let's do some gymnastics shots as well. We plan to print the GOAL as a larger poster print for her room. She is very excited and I am very excited to have this checked off on my long to-do list.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
7 session slots left for November
I quickly went through my November calendar and I have 7 available slots open for the rest of the year. SO- if you're still planning on family portraits, children portraits or holiday cards, now is the time to make your appointment to secure a session.
Just a reminder that I do no actual shooting in December to allow for finishing up/ editing / ordering and equipment maintenance.
As you may know, we are expecting baby #3 in February. Some of you have inquired if I'm planning on taking maternity leave. We are so excited to be having a new baby in the house...as we all know these moments are so precious and go by so fast. I am looking forward to spending time as a family of 5!
I will be taking February & March off, doing a few baby planners (possibly) in early February. If you are requiring a session during those months, please contact me now as I will be booking no new clients during that time.
Thank you!
Just a reminder that I do no actual shooting in December to allow for finishing up/ editing / ordering and equipment maintenance.
As you may know, we are expecting baby #3 in February. Some of you have inquired if I'm planning on taking maternity leave. We are so excited to be having a new baby in the house...as we all know these moments are so precious and go by so fast. I am looking forward to spending time as a family of 5!
I will be taking February & March off, doing a few baby planners (possibly) in early February. If you are requiring a session during those months, please contact me now as I will be booking no new clients during that time.
Thank you!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fall has fallen~

Wow, the blog has been severely neglected lately. It seems there isn't as much time lately to keep up with sessions, editing, ordering, packaging, not to mention trying to keep the house in degree of semi-order and gestating a 23 week old! It's forcing me to examine how I'm going to manage my time after baby comes- and it will be interesting. Which brings me to my point of the current schedule.
October is completely booked solid for the rest of the month and November is nearly filled. I hate having to turn people away but every year I have to do it- so if you haven't scheduled your portrait appt yet, (or know someone who hasn't) please do so this week. I take December off from shooting to finish up session edits, orders and do equipment maintenance, with a few weeks left over to enjoy the holiday with my family, so after the few remaining slots are filled in November there will be no more slots until January.
I did get my own kids pictures done a few weeks ago, and with the fall weather the way it's been I'm glad I have that done and over with. I might actually have my Christmas card ready to go by December 1. (maybe, not counting on it though). Since I haven't decided which images are going on the card- here are just a few to share. Next year adding a baby in the mix isn't going to make shooting this brood any easier....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009

Minnesota autumns are a fabulous and popular time for family and children portrait sessions. Every year I have more requests for outdoor family session than I have available time slots~ so I'm offering a special fall portrait session to meet the demand.
These sessions offer fabulous fall color and custom designed holiday cards are available for purchase as well. It's a great feeling to have your portraits and holiday cards ready to go out by December 1st!
October 3, 4 and 15th (MEA VACATION) and November 6 are set aside for this special offer. The setting...beautiful Kilen Woods State Park in Jackson County. Time slots are limited and will fill early, so please book early.
Pay only the Standard Studio session fee of $45 instead of the Outdoor Location Session Fee (save $30.)
VIP Special Pricing on prints (20-30% savings over standard pricing)
$250 minimum order depsosit due with session fee at time of booking.
email jstumpf@frontiernet.net to book your session or call 507.662.5425
48 hour cancellations will receive full deposit and session fee refund.
Less than 48 cancellations will receive full deposti and $25 session fee refund.
In case of inclement weather- a rain date will be set or indoor session can be substituted or full refund will be issued.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Stevie Grace

I am so excited to share these newborn images of Stevie Grace with you. Stevie is the daughter of fantastic friends of mine and so it was both an honor and fun to do her first portrait shoot at just 8 days old. The next great thing about working with friends is that you can tell them exactly what to d0 and so with Jan told me she thought they would wait to do daddy and baby pictures until 6 months I told her "No way, girl- you're bringing Troy along". And, yes...though I hate to rub it in----who was right again? ;)
Stevie is one beautiful baby girl.
Is it too early to think about Dance Pictures?

March is still a little ways off...but I'm preparing as much as I can in advance since baby #3 is due in Feburary, I want to be ahead of the game as I still plan on doing the dance mini-sessions again. I'm happy to say that I have all the custom creations and storyboard designs developed and will be adding a couple new products this year as well. Every year I try to shake things up to offer different looks and different designs and this years theme is going to be a little shabby chic, a little elegant, and a little vintage lace all rolled into one. I hope you like it!
If you've come to the dance sessions previously, you'll be on the mailing list to get notified as soon as costumes are in and a date for the sessions is set.
If you would like to be notified, please email me and I'll put you on the list to be notified.
The past two years the sessions times have filled up and filled up rather quickly- so keep that in mind. Tell your friends and family as well! ;)
More Seniors

I'm behind. I'm actually doing pretty well keeping caught up with editing, but this blog is weighing me down. I love being able to share images on facebook- but now it's like one more thing to keep up with between the website, facebook, image galleries, emails...
If your image doesn't show up on my sneak peek- it's not because I don't love you- it's most likely pregnancy brain and lack of enough hours in the day. Here are a few awesome seniors that I shot recently. Seniors are one of my favorite sessions to do. I love being able to make each session unique and different and capturing the essence of them at this exciting time in their life! Here's Trevon, and Abby.
Andy and Kristy

I had the privilege of photographing Andy and Kristy's wedding at Kilen Woods Saturday. It was just a perfect day and it was a beautiful wedding. I haven't shot or attended many outdoor weddings- but I will say I was taken with how beautiful the surroundings were and it really just added to the whole atmosphere of the day. I know many of the bridal party- and so that just makes my job that just more fun. I am just beginning to start the editing process of the images, but wanted to share just a few of the day. Congratulations, Andy and Kristy! You're "A-OK." ha ha. ;)
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