I am excited to bring a new product to the boutique accessories store~ Metallic Portrait Boxes. I LOVE them, and can think of so many uses for them! They come in 8x10, hinged 5x7 and wallet size.
I bought a 8x10 for each of my children for the sole purpose of storing old 8x10 portraits of them that I no longer have displayed on my walls. The metallic exterior will protect them from getting bent. The portrait itself is printed 'on' the metal itself (not affixed with any sort of label/adhesive- and they looks super high class. Wouldn't the boxes be GREAT for--
* special art work
* report cardss
* 4H Ribbons
* certificates and special awards
* newpaper clipping and pictures
* perserving letters to Santa the children wrote
* baby keepsakes
* preserve prints from various portrait sessions
Post a creative comment on the blog (by 11:59 pm Thursday) as to what YOU think these boxes would be great for and I'll draw a random winner from the comments to win a 5x7 hinged box.
In the mean time- all the metallix boxes [with an image from a 2009 or other session completed already in 2010] are 25% off and can be found in the ACCESSORIES STORE on my shopping cart site. If you're thinking this would be a great Mother's Day gift- you're not alone. Just add the box to your cart, noting the image you'd like used on it and have your dear hubby contact me and I'll take care of the rest.