What? My blog! It's still here? Despite being neglected and close to abandoned- it is still here waiting for me to log in and jot a line or two about life, photography, or whatever. It's true- the longer I've put it of the harder it's gotten to get back in the groove.
First my excuse was a fabulously busy senior picture season- which was followed by the family portrait and Christmas card sessions rush. I was sure once things slowed down when I took time off in December I would get things up to date- post some by-gone session images, write some brilliantly informative (yet humorous posts) all while rearing my three children, the youngest of whom is going for the record of being the oldest baby to not sleep through the night (let alone a straight 4 hours) and may possibly be the only child to go Kindergarten unweaned. I'd sort of like to write the Le Leche League hate mail-- but I digress.
Why is it- every December- when I plan to take a few weeks off to catch up/plan ahead and relax my computer takes a nosedive.
Well, once again this December the ole PC pushed me to my limits and I bit the bullet and went MAC. So now I"ve got a bit of a learning curve to get thru, but I'm hoping this puts a final end to my PC headaches.
BUT---- I am excited to share my first baby shoot of 2011- Mr. Joshua! The scale image is one of my favorites and Mr. J's mamma is always so willing to allow me to play and try new props/poses and lighting out with him that he's a joy to work with.
Thanks for letting me share some of my work with you- no matter how sporadic sometimes it may be.