Little Rece is already 1? How can it be? He took a while to warm up, but that never bothers me- (you all know I love some of those somber and serious images the best anyway). But two of my all time favorite from this session include mom too.
As a mother, we all know that images where we are actually WITH our child are few and far between. And then, if you take out the ones where we are dressed in sweats and we look like we haven't slept in weeks (most likely because we haven't) we aren't left with many images that we would be proud for our children to look back on someday. So it's always nice when mom is willing to jump in for a few portraits herself.
One of the things I love the most about the shot is the way Rece's little hand is pressed up against him Momma. They grow up too fast. Rece's full gallery will be up soon. Look for more images of Rece at 1, and momma too.
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