Maybe, possibly- spring is here. I was hoping it would arrive before it was time to unpack the stocking hats and snow boots, (which, actually I haven't even gotten put away yet). Calvin and I took the chance to go outside and enjoy some of the nice weekend weather. When you're a photographer, people always think you must have every moment of your child's childhood documented in photographs. In fact, I've found lately it's almost the opposite. Sometimes I just want a break from the camera - or else I 'm so focussed on trying to get the 'perfect' shot in the perfect conditions, worrying about the right fill light and catchlights that spontaneous fun shots all of a sudden become more work than fun. So, I'm determined this summer to bring my camera with me more. Take more pictures, and not worry about technical correctness but just capturing the moment~ before the moment is gone.
So- the top of the hat is blown out, but look at those catchlights in his eyes! Look at that smile.
Swinging on the first nice day of spring. Definitely worth a picture!
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