Stevie's parents are fitness 'buffs' and they wanted images of their daughter, Stevie to display in their place of business- Body Balance Fitness Center. They wanted something with a fitness flare that would go with the gym "decor". I love the images we created from her newborn and 6 month sessions- and am proud they love them too- well enough to show them off BIG and in style.
A 22x40 and 30x45 fit the wall space perfectly. Who wants to look at Arnold the Governator when you can look at a cute little gym rat like Stevie?
It doesn't hurt that Stevie undeniably a beautiful baby!
Thanks for sharing your images of your wall gallery! It's a great example of using big wall portraits to make a statement.
I love how large these look! It isn't like looking at a small print lost on a large wall.
Large images make such a wonderful, stunning impact! Great size choices!!
Love it that they chose to go really big. It seems like an 8x10 might be large, but it will never be seen on a large wall. These are just stunning!
What a fabulous wall display. I love the impact that large images can have on the wall!
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