He's adorable and sweet and at 9 days old Nicholas joined me for his very first portrait session. If you're familiar with my work, you know I recommend newborns come for their sessions at 10 days or younger. This will sway the chances in your favor that baby will be more sleepy and cooperative. Once baby is even a little older, they are not as "bendy" (is that a word?) and while the images you get will still be precious- you may not get the sleepy squishy baby poses that are so popular with newborn sessions. I've also found sessions with younger newborns tend to go quicker and involve less crying from baby and mom. Ok, just kdding on that mom thing...but trust me- the younger the better. :)
While I was doing Nicholas' portraits, I realized the other very important factor in achieving some of these images- is the parents.
This isn't the first time I've worked with Nicholas' parents as he has a big brother Nathan. It helps to have that level of trust from mom and dad as you're molding their baby into some poses that seem a little awkward at first.
Nicholas is just as cuddly and snuggly as he looks. Congratulations to mom, dad and new brother. He is a keeper!
what a sweet newborn session!
Awe! He's so squishy!! Beautiful moments!!
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