Well, I tried to practice what I preach- getting newborn pictures taken in that first week to 10 days of life makes for the 'best' portraits if you want the squishy 'fresh' sleepy newborn portraits. Finally at a week old I worked up the stamina (after feeling immense guilt) to get out to the studio to do Holden's newborn portraits. It's took me a few trips back and forth to gather all the camera equipment that we took to hospital, and then a few more trips to gather baby equipment like diapers and such, and then to time things so that Holden would allow me to pull props and set up drops and meter lights etc. Do you see where this is heading?
I haven't even LOOKED at the images yet, but I only took a handful and I'm sure none of them are good. It's hard to shot and have no one to spot the baby and try to shoot and set up and nurse at the same time. I needed another set of hands and another set of other body parts to be successful. By the time we were done I was a sweaty milky leaky mess and Holden was not too happy himself. How depressing! I suppose it was really more than one person could be expected to take on themselves. I felt so sorry for myself if I would have thought of it I would have left myself a tip. Ha.
Luckily a friend and awesome photographer, Kari Mertz volunteered to come visit Saturday and get some shots of Holden. I'm so fortunate to have such talented professional photographer friends who know the value of portraits. I don't have newborn portraits of Sofie and Calvin and so I wanted to do it 'right' with Holden. Thank you Kari!
I can't wait to see what you capture. And be sure to edit the bags under my eyes, ok?