Minnesota autumns are a fabulous and popular time for family and children portrait sessions. Every year I have more requests for outdoor family session than I have available time slots~ so I'm offering a special fall portrait session to meet the demand.
These sessions offer fabulous fall color and custom designed holiday cards are available for purchase as well. It's a great feeling to have your portraits and holiday cards ready to go out by December 1st!
October 3, 4 and 15th (MEA VACATION) and November 6 are set aside for this special offer. The setting...beautiful Kilen Woods State Park in Jackson County. Time slots are limited and will fill early, so please book early.
Pay only the Standard Studio session fee of $45 instead of the Outdoor Location Session Fee (save $30.)
VIP Special Pricing on prints (20-30% savings over standard pricing)
$250 minimum order depsosit due with session fee at time of booking.
email jstumpf@frontiernet.net to book your session or call 507.662.5425
48 hour cancellations will receive full deposit and session fee refund.
Less than 48 cancellations will receive full deposti and $25 session fee refund.
In case of inclement weather- a rain date will be set or indoor session can be substituted or full refund will be issued.