Hair. The bane of a woman's existance. It can make or break your day. Having a bad hair day? The rest of the day is bound to have a grey shadow cast over it. A great hair day- you can conquer the world!
Sofie has has basically been growing her hair her whole 7 years, with a hair trim here and there. But, somewhat on a whim yesterday my niece was doling out hair cuts and when I suggested a hair cut for Sofie she was all in agreement. We discussed what it would look like, how long it would be. Yep, she was game. Jeff was less than enthusiastic about seeing his baby girl without her pigtails but he's also not the one who is trying to negotiate daily hair do's each morning before school like war negotiations with a third world country, and so his opinion weighed in lightly.
So, it was cut. My nearly 30 year old nephew who should know better- chimes in "Boy that's a lot of hair on the ground" (what is wrong with men?) I could tell Sofie was getting the look of "panic" in her eyes. Half done, too late to turn back now.
It was done, it was cute!
She hated it.
Tears and sobbing until I was in tears as well. I thought I was going to need to need to invest in hair extensions.
Then, finally, she starts perking up. By the time we got home she "LOVED it!It's so bouncy and cute and it's so wonderful!"
This girl is going to be the death of me and she is only seven.
I can just about imagine!! I still go through that after a "bad" haircut that always turns out to be just fine!! That entry was a hoot to read!
Laura Bidne
that's so funny... she looked so cute today with her new bob... i told her i cut mine too, so now we were twins :) but a new haircut is always QUITE traumatic...even when you're 23 :)
haha your niece seems to convince me to do crazy things with my hair as well!
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