Saturday, January 24, 2009

Basketball Season

Jordan is a great kid. He puts up with my silliness and he is actually OK getting his pictures taken! He loves sports and it wasn't long ago that we did his football photos- but it's basketball season and so time for another mini-session. I hope he likes his images.


Ella and Madelyn look like they are ready for spring in their stylish aqua marine dresses. It was fun to bring out the blue backdrop that seems meant to coordinate with their outfits. I love it!

They are gorgeous girls and this is Madelyn's second session with me for her 3 month portraits. Pretty as a picture!

The Brothers

What was mom so worried about? That the boys wouldn't smile?! What?! As you can see we got plenty of smiles. Rece took a little while to warm up- but I really believe photography is half psychology- at least when dealing with children, and with a little work Rece was nothing but smiles. And the big brothers.....big brothers=big smiles!


Meet baby Brock. I just love his bright eyes and red hair~ how gorgeous! At two months old he is just getting used to this world and I think we wore him out for his first photo shoot- but he obliged us in getting lots of gorgous images.

Jack Henry

Little Jack Henry came to me for his newborn portraits- those first couple weeks go so fast and I'm sure by now he's changed already. Newborn portraits are the perfect time for the first portrait session- to capture the little skin folds of new skin, and tiny fingers and toes.

Newborn portraits are best at 10 days or younger. After 10 days, babies are less tolerable to the squishy positions and seem less content to sleep and tend to fuss more.

It is normal to schedule a tentative date for your newborn portraits before the baby actually arrives. We can then make any adjustments to the schedule once he or she makes her appearance.

Baby Jack is adorable as can be- and I think you will agree capturing these first few days of baby's life are something that make heirloom portraits.

Thank you to Jack's mommy and daddy for your patience in getting your gallery up. I am back online and working diligently to get all sessions proofed and posted. I'm hoping my computer woes are long behind me!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Computer Woes

Yes, I was quite happy to have my computer up and working. That lasted about one day- until I rebooted it and - trouble. So now I have been without my standard computer for another week. (overall since about Dec. 20th). If you know me, that is a L O N G time to be without my computer. So I can check in on internet on the kids' computer- althought the fact that the monitor shuts off every 20 seconds the first 10 minutes of use makes it just slightly annoying. And that it is slow and bogs down.
Did I mention the telephone battery won't stay charged? Or the fact the the automatic garage door won't close because it feels 100 below zero?

On a positive note- I am looking forward to traveling to Florida this weekend to attend a senior photography seminar with some friends. I could really use some fun in the sun. I'm sure it's going to be a great convention and I can't wait to come back with some great new products for the upcoming senior sessions!

To all of you who responded to my testimonial search THANK YOU again! Your nice words made me blush and I can't wait to utilize them on my site and products- if I ever get a computer up and running.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Jilian is 6months old and just a comfortable in front of a camera as can be. You know I love bare baby shoots and Jilian's gorgeous eyes and personality took right over. I promise her mom and dad I'll be working on editing the rest and have them up this week!

Getting back to NORMAL

Ah- the view of life as 'normal' might be in sight again.
My daughter's tonsilectomy is over and she seems to be turning the corner and feeling like her old self again. She's not back in school yet....but that will come.

My mother's surgery went well and she will be coming home today. Sigh- relief.

My virus infected computer is home from the shop, hooked up and seems to be working. Hallelujah!

I'm super frustrated that all the time that I had set aside while I was closed in December was basically unproductive. All my marketing and brochures and other things that were slotted to get done are undone, but still on the to-do list (but behind the ever looming pay taxes now).

If I've been less than quick to respond to your emails- I hope I will be able to get back on track now. I've got some new ideas for 2009 and as some of you may have heard, the studio is looking to have a new 'location'- which I'm very excited about!!

To those of you that sent in testimonials- thank you for your nice words about my work. I am so appreciative to have such great clients to work with. Thank you!
Happy New Year!