Ah- the view of life as 'normal' might be in sight again.
My daughter's tonsilectomy is over and she seems to be turning the corner and feeling like her old self again. She's not back in school yet....but that will come.
My mother's surgery went well and she will be coming home today. Sigh- relief.
My virus infected computer is home from the shop, hooked up and seems to be working. Hallelujah!
I'm super frustrated that all the time that I had set aside while I was closed in December was basically unproductive. All my marketing and brochures and other things that were slotted to get done are undone, but still on the to-do list (but behind the ever looming pay taxes now).
If I've been less than quick to respond to your emails- I hope I will be able to get back on track now. I've got some new ideas for 2009 and as some of you may have heard, the studio is looking to have a new 'location'- which I'm very excited about!!
To those of you that sent in testimonials- thank you for your nice words about my work. I am so appreciative to have such great clients to work with. Thank you!
Happy New Year!