Little Jack Henry came to me for his newborn portraits- those first couple weeks go so fast and I'm sure by now he's changed already. Newborn portraits are the perfect time for the first portrait session- to capture the little skin folds of new skin, and tiny fingers and toes.
Newborn portraits are best at 10 days or younger. After 10 days, babies are less tolerable to the squishy positions and seem less content to sleep and tend to fuss more.
It is normal to schedule a tentative date for your newborn portraits before the baby actually arrives. We can then make any adjustments to the schedule once he or she makes her appearance.
Baby Jack is adorable as can be- and I think you will agree capturing these first few days of baby's life are something that make heirloom portraits.
Thank you to Jack's mommy and daddy for your patience in getting your gallery up. I am back online and working diligently to get all sessions proofed and posted. I'm hoping my computer woes are long behind me!
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