Wow, the blog has been severely neglected lately. It seems there isn't as much time lately to keep up with sessions, editing, ordering, packaging, not to mention trying to keep the house in degree of semi-order and gestating a 23 week old! It's forcing me to examine how I'm going to manage my time after baby comes- and it will be interesting. Which brings me to my point of the current schedule.
October is completely booked solid for the rest of the month and November is nearly filled. I hate having to turn people away but every year I have to do it- so if you haven't scheduled your portrait appt yet, (or know someone who hasn't) please do so this week. I take December off from shooting to finish up session edits, orders and do equipment maintenance, with a few weeks left over to enjoy the holiday with my family, so after the few remaining slots are filled in November there will be no more slots until January.
I did get my own kids pictures done a few weeks ago, and with the fall weather the way it's been I'm glad I have that done and over with. I might actually have my Christmas card ready to go by December 1. (maybe, not counting on it though). Since I haven't decided which images are going on the card- here are just a few to share. Next year adding a baby in the mix isn't going to make shooting this brood any easier....
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