"You must have a ton of pictures of your own children! " I get that all the time. I do enjoy my job, but truth be told there is nothing harder than photographing one's own children when you're a photographer. There's this imaginary pressure in my head to get the perfect shot. To do something different. Frankly I felt that way more years ago- now I've moved on to what I hear some of my clients say after a less than satisfying experience after pictures elsewhere...'ALL I WANT IS ONE GOOD PICTURE!"
That was pretty much my attitude as last Sunday my husband and I threw the kids in the van after I decided about 5 minutes before today might be the only weekend I have to attempt their portraits for holiday cards. Forget the bath. Forget the primping. Wipe the cheetoh's off your face and we're good to go.
I had a garage door in an alley all picked out and unfortunately a pickup was blocking the shooting area...so on to plan B. (Because I'm not getting everyone dressed again a different day) So a suitable spot was picked and now the real fun begins.
My oldest two children are pretty self sufficient now. They can do what their told, they usually cooperate. I've got it made- right? Add in Mr. Holden at 19 months and it's a whole new box of wax.
He can walk away (and he does).
He can scowl (and he does)
He can express his total uniterest in the whole process (and he does.)
NOW add in my 484 month old- also knows as spouse.
He can walk away (and he does).
He can scowl (and he does).
He can express his total uninterest in the whole process (and he does.)
If you think it's hard to get YOUR husband to COME get family portraits done, just imagine the joy of trying have him assist you with one of the most stressful jobs- taking pictures of your own children. I guess I need not elaborate much more on that...suffice it to say that I won't be hiring him for a studio assistant anytime soon.
So- I'm determined to make these images 'work'. I have to be in the right frame of mind to work on images of my own children, especially the ones of the three of them together (can you say headswap/major editing more than likely). But here are a few favs that I worked up.
Of course the oldest had to show off their planking skills- which is such a fabulous pose for children's portraits. :) Why didn't I think of that? I didn't even think they knew what planking was!